Thursday, September 29, 2016

Respect My Authority
When I give out my opinion on something and I get told "No, that's sooo wrong!" Like how is it wrong if it's an opinion? That's why I hate giving out my opinion b/c i get told no.
Inciting incident
It's was surprising and kinda trippy. Like how is his house lights on if he isn't in there? He isn't married which means he doesn't have a family of his own. What if he went crazy? And thought it was his house but in reality it wasn't

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Do you ever feel alone in a group of people?
That's my current situation

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The pedestrian
It seems very mysterious to me, well the part that I heard

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Vocab #4

Intermittent: occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady.
Ebb: the movement of the tide out to sea.
Regress: return to a former or less developed state
Tendency : an inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior.
Antisep : denoting substances that prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms

Sunday, September 18, 2016

And I answered my own question, it can. Hopefully tomorrow's better

Saturday, September 17, 2016

My catastrophic weekend
From burning my poor finger to almost breaking my toe. I do an act of kindness for the first time in forever and I almost kill my phone by drowning it with nail polish remover and then my charger broke. Can my weekend get any worse ?

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Hurting myself pt. 2 
Well first I trip over MY OWN feet and then I burn myself while making dinner. GREAT 

Steps to making a toe look like a miniature sausage :
Step one: have a basket of laundry in hands
Step two : go up stairs quickly
Step three: be clumsy and trip over your own foot
Step four: look at foot and you'll have a miniature sausage for a toe !
"Life doesn't suck, it's simply a bad day"
Vocab #3

coherent: piece of writing, set of ideas etc is coherent, it is easy to understand because it is clear and reasonable; My notes are coherent, it's going to be easy to pass my test. 

belabor: to keep emphasizing a fact or idea in a way that is annoying; Its a belabor that the tv won't turn on. 

eschew:to deliberately avoid doing or using something; Eschew the stove , it's not gonna turn on.

acquisitive: wanting to have and keep a lot of possessions; Acquisitive is another word for hoarder.

emulate:to do something or behave in the same way as someone else, especially because you admire them; I emulate my older sister.
banal: not interesting, because of a lack of new or different ideas; my mind is banal
congeal: if a liquid such as blood congeals, it becomes thick or solid; blood congeals when it's turning into a scab

carping:difficult to please; critical; 
substantiate: provide evidence to support or prove the truth of; my sister is carping
temporize: avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time; I temporized when I did my homework
largesse: generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others; Largesse happens during Christmas
tenable:able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection; I tenable myself

insatiable: impossible to satisfy; my sister is insatiable 

reconnaissance: military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features; 

germane:relevant to a subject under consideration; I germane my life at times 

ramify:form branches or offshoots; spread or branch out; the tree ramified

intransigent:unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something; I am intransigent when it comes to being unfair
taciturn: reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little; when I'm mad I'm taciturn

Monday, September 12, 2016

My Aeris

On my essay I received a C. I did better than I though actually, I was surprised that I got a decent grade. I received that grade because I didn't really do essay like I was suppose to and I do agree with it. I haven't earned good grades so far but I'm working my butt off to get back up. I think I deserve a C , I have most of my work done and I'm still working on catching up.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Quick rant !
I don't understand why people care how much makeup girls wear or don't wear. Why do they care how our hair looks like or how we dress? If we got the new pair of Jordan's or Nike's or not? Why does it matter? We look how WE want to look. Our body is our canvas and what we do to it, that's our masterpiece. We make it look the way we want it to look like. So when I ever listen to someone criticize another person because of they're appearance, it makes me sooooo mad. Like yo! Not everyone has to look or dress like you. They probably don't even care about fitting in like you do.
Setting up a journal/planner thing is soooooo much harder than I though ☹️ And I started it in August. Gotta finish what I started 💪🏼

Friday, September 2, 2016

Never have I ever been this confused and frustrated in my life .